The Relapsing Roommate Handbook
By Tim Myers How to Deal with a Relapsing Roommate The number one phone call us people in recovery get goes a little something like this – “my roommate is using...what do I do?” This happens every day in recovery communities like Delray Beach and, if you’re living...
The Real College Basketball Madness
The Overdose Death of a Cheerleader By: Tim Myers While you fill out your college basketball tournament bracket this year, as you cheer on your favorite team and dunk another wing into ranch dressing, I want you to think for a minute about who you’re cheering for. You...
5 Meditation Tips for People with ADHD
By Tim Myers Practical Tips for Meditation How many people with ADHD does it take to screw in a light bulb? Want to Ride Bikes? See, that’s the problem people with ADHD have when it comes to meditation. I have ADHD. I have NOT been able to sit still since my head...