AA is a Cult: One Woman’s Thoughts Before Joining 12-Step Recovery
Is AA a Cult? Before getting sober, I wanted nothing to do with Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, or any other twelve-step fellowship. I was convinced meetings were some sort of cult ritual and everyone in the rooms was a brainwashed zombie. Of course, this...
I Am Enough
A Poem For Those Struggling I found this wonderful poem floating around the internet the other day. I wanted to share it with all you amazing women recovering from a hopeless state of mind and body. Together, we are enough. Together, I am enough. I Am Enough I am...
One Step to a Better Life!
Attitude is Everything Want to know when in my life I was happiest? The answer might surprise you! I was happiest in early-sobriety while living in a halfway house. Now don’t get me wrong, my life since getting sober has been nothing short of amazing. I’ve gotten to...