Faith Facts Friday With Fiona
Written By: Fiona Stockard The Big Book Broken Down – Part Seven Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who help each other to recover from alcohol and drug addiction. It was founded in June of 1935, just celebrated its seventy-ninth anniversary, and...
Big Book Thumper: Work Steps or Die!
Written By: Fiona Stockard Hardcore Sobriety I was lucky enough to get sober with a bunch of Big Book thumpers. Actually, scratch that, I don’t know if I’d have gotten sober without them. Really, I was graced enough to be given the gift of sobriety from a bunch of Big...
The Top Five Signs Your Co-Worker is a Recovering Alcoholic
By: Tim Myers How To Tell Your Co-Working is a Recovering Alcoholic Almost four years ago I stopped drinking. I have no idea why I did, I just did. I’d tried for many years to quit, but for some reason on December 6th 2010, I stopped. Now, my problem wasn’t stopping....