Faith Facts Friday with Fiona
Written By: Fiona Stockard The Basic Text Broken Down - Part Three Narcotics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who help each other recover from drug and alcohol addiction. It was founded in July of 1953, just celebrated its sixty-first anniversary, and boasts...
The 13th Step: Predators in Recovery
Written By: Fiona Stockard 13th Step? I Thought There Were Only 12 Ah, the sneaky little 13th Step. The little talked about, but widely known, practice of being a shady motherf**ker. One of the reasons to stay away from clubhouses. The reason for that old saying, men...
Firsthand Addiction: What Addiction is Really Like
Written By: Fiona Stockard Firsthand Addiction: What Addiction is Really Like The term addiction is tossed around loosely and frequently now-a-days. "I'm addicted to buying shoes," or "I'm addicted to diet soda," or "I'm, like, so addicted to being in the club right...