Faith Facts Friday with Fiona
Written By: Fiona Stockard The Basic Text Broken Down - Part Two Narcotics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who help each other recover from drug and alcohol addiction. It was founded in July of 1953, just celebrated its sixty-first anniversary, and boasts...
Jimmy Fallon is Killing Rob Ford!
Written By: Tim Myers HEY! JIMMY! LEAVE ROB FORD ALONE! Okay, Mr. Fallon, let me start by saying I love the crap out of you. You’ve reinvented late night television and brought back meaningful content to network TV. I never miss a show. In fact, your show is the only...
Robin Williams and Depression
Written By: Tim Myers Robin Williams Committed Suicide, But You Don’t Have To Robin Williams chose to end his life yesterday. He’s dead and everyone is mourning the loss of one of our greatest actors. 99.9% of the people posting on Facebook never met Mr. Williams....