How to Pick a Sponsor
Written By: Katie Schipper What is Sponsorship? In twelve-step recovery programs, sponsorship is vital. A sponsor has a singular purpose - to take another alcoholic or addict through the twelve-steps so that that woman may in turn take others through the steps....
How to Write a Gratitude List
Written By: Katie Schipper Learning how to be grateful is a spiritual practice. It's not something that can be forced, it comes naturally when we make a commitment and start practicing it. Gratitude isn't something readily accessible to a addict or an alcoholic active...
Did You Choose the Right Roommate(s)?
Written By: Katie Schipper Why Does Choosing a Good Roommate Matter? Early recovery can often feel like a constant onslaught of suggestions, advice, appointments, therapy, outpatient, meetings, step-work, and so on. The list of things that must be considered can seem...