Are Sober Women Broadcasting Too Much?
Tattoos: Sober Women Breaking Tradition Written By:Anjelica G. Body modification, meaning to deliberately alter your physical appearance, has become extremely popular over the last few years. I mean, it's always been popular, but tattoos and piercings, as well as many...
Homeless Man Gets a Home: The Power of Helping Others
Written By: Anjelica Galante Is Homelessness a Consequence of Our Actions? We suffer many consequences during active addiction to drugs and alcohol. We lose lose our spirituality, our friends, our families, our material possessions, our minds, our morals, our homes,...
Rapper Arrested and Sentenced to Drug Rehab
2 Chainz Arrested For Drug Possession! Rapper 2 Chainz was sentenced to three years probation and over a year in drug and alcohol treatment. Wait, there's more! 2 Chainz will be required to wear a sobriety bracelet. Unfortunately, the court was all out of sobriety...