How Do I Pick a Good Halfway House?
What Exactly is a Halfway House? Simply put, a halfway house is a sober-living environment for addicts and alcoholics in early recovery. Halfway houses help people make the transition from active addiction to responsible member of society. This transition, from active...
Does Quality Substance Abuse Treatment Exist?
Well, Does It? I often wonder if there's quality, effective, and impactful substance abuse and mental health treatment. What I'm asking is - do clinical philosophy and client-centered treatment count more than money? People are dying left and right from overdoses,...
Five Tips To Keep Cool Over The Holidays
The holidays are stressful for a lot of people, especially those in recovery! Here are some great tips to make it through the holidays stress free and sober! 1) Don’t Test Your Willpower Get rid of all the alcohol in your house, including bottles “for guests.” Don't...