For Sober Women by Sober Women

Sobriety for Women is a blog specific to women in sobriety or looking for help. Our articles are written by women like you, to be shared with women like you. Every week we feature a new writer. So if you have something on your mind submit and article, we’d love publish it!

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If you or a loved one is struggling with Addiction Recovery we are here to help. Our affiliated treatment center, Lighthouse Recovery Institute, specializes in issues concerning women in recovery and the many other problems that are often associated with addictive behaviors. Give us a call, we are here to help!



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The Blog

Read addiction articles written for women in sobriety by women in sobriety


Helpful recovery resources specifically tailored for women

Seven Misconceptions I Had About Sobriety

Seven Misconceptions I Had About Sobriety

I Didn't See That Happening! 1) Sober Fun Doesn't Exist Before getting sober, I thought it would go something like this - "oh, yeah, this is great. I get to sit around and drink coffee all day. And meditate. I love meditating. Sike! My life is OVER." That's really...

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Is It Time To Get Sober?

"Waiting is the Hardest Part" - Tom Petty I agree, Tom, waiting sucks. So, why do we do it? I’m not talking about waiting for the bus, or waiting for a burrito, or waiting for your next paycheck. I’m talking about waiting for things we don't need to wait for. The idea...

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