How Do I Know If I’m an Alcoholic?
Discover the Truth About Yourself How do I know if I’m an elephant? How do I know if I’m a tiger? How do I know if I’m an alcoholic? Well, if you have a trunk and you’re the largest land mammal around, you’re an elephant! If you’re a wild cat with orange and black...
False Evidence Appearing Real (FEAR) Having grown up in functional alcoholism and then married into it, I spent forty-two years frightened and embarrassed. I spent forty-two years! Think about how long that is! Al-Anon helped me recognize FEAR kept showing up because...
Tips For Overcoming an Eating Disorder
A Different Kind of Freedom Breaking free from an eating disorder can be tremendously challenging, but it's so worth it! There's this beautiful freedom that comes from ending the war between yourself and your body. For those who want to recover, the question is how?...