What Happens After Getting Sober?
Where Rubber Meets the Road Hopeless alcoholic and drug addict turns life around. What a great heading! Is it frontline news? Well, not in the Sun Sentinel. At certain times during my sobriety, I've felt there should be a parade in my honor. There should be parties...
A Voice From Al-Anon: Learning to Listen
Listening is the Hardest Part Al-Anon has taught me that pray requires listening. One of our slogans is Listen and Learn. Another is Progress Not Perfection. Another is Recovery is a Verb. Okay, I made that last one up. It's good, isn't it! In Al-Anon meetings, share...
Warning Signs of Anorexia
Anorexia Kills! Anorexia affects MILLIONS of people each year. If that weren't scary enough, the amount of deaths caused directly by anorexia has SKYROCKETED over the last five year. Got your attention? Good! It's important to be aware of the warning signs of...