The Addiction and Body Imaging Recovery Project
Together, Sobriety for Women and Addicted to Recovery have formed the Addiction & Body Imaging Recovery Project. We recognize that many women and men experience poor body image. This can take the form of an eating disorder, mental illness, or just plain, old not...
Is Alcoholics Anonymous Right For Me?
When I came to, metaphorically and literally, in my first Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, I knew I'd met my match. See, even at twenty years old, sitting in a musty room with people double and triple my age, I felt at home. Not at home like when I sank into my bed and...
Getting Sober Away From Family
I Won't Love You to Death! Sobriety is a life changing experience no matter where you are. Still, you're told to get as many sober supports as you can. They help you deal with the emotional up's and down's that occur in early sobriety. So, when I found myself states...