Blessings of Sobriety
Some people are born “lucky”. They come from decent homes, they have decent looks, and they have decent personalities, maybe a trust fund or two. These are the lucky ones….right? Everything on the outside seems to be perfect. But, this is not always true. When we watch the TV shows on MSNBC about the people that just “Snapped” or the people who murder their children, when investigators interview the neighbors what do they say? “Oh Jack? He was such a nice guy! I would have never seen this coming! Not for a million years!” This is what they say. No one ever is like, “oh yea Jack was nuts, I should have bet money he would lose it and shoot up the 7-11.” Case in point that being that looks are definitely deceiving.

Growing Up a Jehovah’s Witness and Overcoming Addiction
“I never had the intention of becoming a drug addict. I saw things and did things I had been sheltered from my entire life. I was born into a way of life where God and the bible was the most important thing. I grew up a Jehovah’s witness, with a loving family who raised me by spiritual principals and a love for God.

Being the Mother of an Addict
Being the Mother of an Addict Isn't Easy I've been on the journey of recovery with my daughter for six years. Today she celebrates twenty months sober! That's almost two years. Remember, I said we've been on this journey for six. My daughter, who's twenty-five, has...