by Sally Rosa | Apr 9, 2015 | Addiction Articles, Benefits of Sobriety
The Roast of Justin Bieber The roast of Justin Bieber. Ah, the roast of Justin Bieber. It was funny…but not very helpful. This guy, the Bieber, actually needs help. So, I decided I would roast him from the point of view of a sponsor…that he will one day need! Listen...
by A Women in Sobriety | Mar 26, 2015 | Addiction Articles, Benefits of Sobriety
Recovery Isn’t Easy On of my favorite sayings goes a little something like this – I’m not telling you it’s going to be easy, I’m telling you it’s going to be worth it. I’m not sure who first uttered those words. Maybe it was an athlete or a coach or somebody like...
by A Women in Sobriety | Jan 21, 2015 | Addiction Articles, Benefits of Sobriety
Emotional Sobriety: A Four Letter Word? Ah, emotional sobriety! I’ve written about it before, I’m writing about it now, and you best believe I’ll write about it in the future. That’s because this tricky little idea encapsulates, in my opinion, the rest of the program....
by Sally Rosa | Jan 19, 2015 | Addiction Articles, Benefits of Sobriety
The Benefits of a Deadly Disease Chances are that if you ask ten random people the benefits of being an alcoholic, they won’t be able to list any. Well guess what random people, you’re wrong! It took me awhile to realize that being an alcoholic, in recovery of course,...
by Sally Rosa | Jul 16, 2014 | Addiction Articles, Benefits of Sobriety
by A Women in Sobriety | Jul 14, 2014 | Addiction Articles, Benefits of Sobriety
Written By: Katie Schipper Enjoying the Gifts of Today by Living in the Moment Nothing is More Important Than Living in the Moment The intensity with which we naturally think about the future is so strong that, more often than not, we’re not living in the moment....
by Fiona Stockard | Jul 7, 2014 | Addiction Articles, Benefits of Sobriety
Written By: Katie Schipper How Living Your Dreams Can Be a Real Thing! Paralyzing Fear Can Stifle All Dreams Fear is the ultimate culprit when it comes to living your dream. This doesn’t just apply to addicts and alcoholics in early-recovery, it applies to everyone....
by Sally Rosa | Jun 12, 2014 | Addiction Articles, Benefits of Sobriety
Written by Tim Myers “All Righty Then” “Look At The Fun-bags On That” “Holy Testicle Tuesday” “Holy S**t-balls” “We Got No Food, We Got No Jobs…Our PETS’ HEADS ARE FALLING OFF!” “That John Denver’s Full Of S**t” How Jim Carrey’s Commencement Speech Can Keep You...
by Sally Rosa | Jun 9, 2014 | Addiction Articles, Benefits of Sobriety
Written By: Katie Schipper Is it Safe to Go Clubbing as a Sober Women? Is It Even Possible? Let’s be honest, if you’re newly sober and the vision of the life you used to lead isn’t too far behind you, it probably feels a lot like you don’t get to do anything you used...
by Sally Rosa | May 26, 2014 | Addiction Articles, Benefits of Sobriety
Written By: Katie Schipper Learning how to be grateful is a spiritual practice. It’s not something that can be forced, it comes naturally when we make a commitment and start practicing it. Gratitude isn’t something readily accessible to a addict or an alcoholic active...
by A Women in Sobriety | May 22, 2014 | Addiction Articles, Benefits of Sobriety
Written By: Fiona Stockard Blaming Others Before getting help for my addiction, I spent years blaming others for everything. It was always someone else’s fault that I drank and used drugs the way I did. “If what happened to me had happened to you, you’d use drugs like...
by A Women in Sobriety | May 1, 2014 | Addiction Articles, Benefits of Sobriety
Would I Hire a Women in Recovery? When you consider hiring a recovering addict or alcoholic, there are going to be concerns. Oh, are there going to be concerns! Is she reliable? Am I putting anyone in danger? Don’t addicts steal? What if the stress becomes too much?...
by Sally Rosa | Apr 9, 2014 | Addiction Articles, Benefits of Sobriety
The Top 10 Ways to Build Your Self-Esteem 1) Gratitude Writing a gratitude list everyday can be rewarding. Sometimes, in early-sobriety we’re unaware of the good things in our life. The more you write what you’re grateful for, the more you’ll be grateful for it! 2)...
by Sally Rosa | Nov 25, 2013 | Addiction Articles, Benefits of Sobriety
Sobriety For Women’s Favorite Rapper Macklemore Drops Recovery Knowledge!
by Fiona Stockard | Sep 18, 2013 | Benefits of Sobriety
I Didn’t See That Happening! 1) Sober Fun Doesn’t Exist Before getting sober, I thought it would go something like this – “oh, yeah, this is great. I get to sit around and drink coffee all day. And meditate. I love meditating. Sike! My life is OVER.” That’s really...
by Fiona Stockard | Sep 2, 2013 | Benefits of Sobriety
“Waiting is the Hardest Part” – Tom Petty I agree, Tom, waiting sucks. So, why do we do it? I’m not talking about waiting for the bus, or waiting for a burrito, or waiting for your next paycheck. I’m talking about waiting for things we don’t need to wait for. The idea...
by A Women in Sobriety | Aug 2, 2013 | Benefits of Sobriety
Where Rubber Meets the Road Hopeless alcoholic and drug addict turns life around. What a great heading! Is it frontline news? Well, not in the Sun Sentinel. At certain times during my sobriety, I’ve felt there should be a parade in my honor. There should be parties...
by A Women in Sobriety | Jun 16, 2013 | Benefits of Sobriety
I Won’t Love You to Death! Sobriety is a life changing experience no matter where you are. Still, you’re told to get as many sober supports as you can. They help you deal with the emotional up’s and down’s that occur in early sobriety. So, when I found myself states...
by Fiona Stockard | Jun 1, 2013 | Addiction Treatment, Benefits of Sobriety
How to be Grateful in Recovery “You know, when I blew out my birthday candles this year I didn’t wish for anything…I simply said Thank You.” BAM. Gratitude at its finest. Who says that? Who says I’m happy enough that there’s nothing else I need to wish for, not even...
by Fiona Stockard | May 10, 2013 | Addiction Treatment, Benefits of Sobriety
Fun in Sobriety? The first time I tried to get sober I was 19. This was December, 2006. I’d dropped out of college after the first semester of my sophomore year. I thought I was like every other nineteen year old girl. Turns out, most nineteen year olds can go to...
by Fiona Stockard | Jan 28, 2013 | Addiction Treatment, Benefits of Sobriety
Take a walk across the country and you’ll find your share of the beaten, the weathered, the splintered souls left tattered, staggered and tattooed by addiction. See, addiction’s become the new apple pie, the new baseball, the new Coca-Cola. These ravaged, misguided...
by Sally Rosa | Jan 6, 2013 | Addiction Treatment, Benefits of Sobriety
I Just Want to Be Normal! “I just want to be sober and normal, that’s all I want” said Vanessa. She sat across from me while spending the night in a hospital for the ninth time in eighteen months. Throughout our whole conversation, she kept saying “I want to be...
by A Women in Sobriety | Dec 21, 2012 | Addiction Treatment, Benefits of Sobriety
Written By: Fiona Stockard Looks are Deceiving Some people are born lucky. They come from decent homes. They have decent looks. They have decent personalities. Hell, maybe they even have a trust fund or two. These are the lucky ones, right? Everything on the outside...