Is It Time To Get Sober?

“Waiting is the Hardest Part” – Tom Petty I agree, Tom, waiting sucks. So, why do we do it? I’m not talking about waiting for the bus, or waiting for a burrito, or waiting for your next paycheck. I’m talking about waiting for things we don’t...

Getting Sober Away From Family

I Won’t Love You to Death! Sobriety is a life changing experience no matter where you are. Still, you’re told to get as many sober supports as you can. They help you deal with the emotional up’s and down’s that occur in early sobriety. So, when...
I Just Want to Be Normal

I Just Want to Be Normal

I Just Want to Be Normal! “I just want to be sober and normal, that’s all I want” said Vanessa. She sat across from me while spending the night in a hospital for the ninth time in eighteen months. Throughout our whole conversation, she kept saying “I want to be...

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