by A Women in Sobriety | Jul 12, 2017 | Addiction Articles, Recovery
Almost Like a Sponsor My dog keeps me sober. Or I guess you could say he helps. He doesn’t go to meetings, he doesn’t have a sponsor and he has never worked a step. When he talks I can’t understand a single thing he says. He is very good at listening. I can say things...
by Sally Rosa | May 31, 2017 | 12 Steps, Addiction Articles, Blog, Recovery, Sobriety For Women
Date a Drug Addict? Ok so, here’s the deal, I’m not gonna sugar coat this, or blow smoke up your tits for 20 minutes I’m just gonna get right to the answer. Date a recovering alcoholic, or drug addict. “But Fiona, what if they relapse?” Shut up. The core of this whole...
by A Women in Sobriety | Jun 25, 2015 | Addiction Articles, Recovery
Fear Won’t Kill You! Fear won’t kill you, but it definitely feels like it will! I say this as a woman in long-term recovery who’s faced more than a few “fear situations” in my time. Look, fear sucks. We’re told in treatment that fear is responsible for a large portion...
by Sally Rosa | Jun 18, 2015 | Addiction Articles, Recovery
Can Listening to Certain Music Make You Relapse? I’ve asked friends this question over the last few weeks. Their response has been overwhelmingly NO! Still, it’s a question worth asking and one that’s been on my mind a lot lately. See, the first rehab I ever went to,...
by Sally Rosa | May 21, 2015 | Addiction Articles, Recovery
By: Tim Myers Good Evening People of the United States, Well, my wife and I are here before you today to announce that the rumors are true. I, Timothy K. Myers, am running for President of The United States of America. Over the next year my opponents are going to say...
by Fiona Stockard | May 19, 2015 | Addiction Articles, Recovery
By: Tim Myers Man’s Best Friend My dog keeps me sober. Or I guess you could say he helps. He doesn’t go to meetings, doesn’t have a sponsor, and he has never worked a step. When he talks, I can’t understand a single thing he says. He’s very good at listening. I can...
by Sally Rosa | May 5, 2015 | Addiction Articles, Recovery
By: Tim Myers I Can’t Do What?? There are so many things in recovery that “they” say you should never ever do. They say… You shouldn’t be in a relationship until you have a year. You should never have Redbull. Never smoke or hang out at bars. You should never live by...
by Fiona Stockard | Apr 28, 2015 | Addiction Articles, Recovery
How Dangerous is Adderall? Although this might seem like an obvious question with an obvious answer, stop and think about it for a second. Is Adderall as dangerous as the media has made it out to be? Okay, you’re right, it is! Still, there seems to be this narrative...
by A Women in Sobriety | Mar 24, 2015 | Addiction Articles, Recovery
Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome Ah, good old Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome! Maybe you’ve heard of it. If not by that name, I bet you’ve heard of PAWS. If you’re anything like me, that acronym left you scratching you, wondering why people were talking about animal...
by Fiona Stockard | Mar 5, 2015 | Addiction Articles, Recovery
By Tim Myers Practical Tips for Meditation How many people with ADHD does it take to screw in a light bulb? Want to Ride Bikes? See, that’s the problem people with ADHD have when it comes to meditation. I have ADHD. I have NOT been able to sit still since my head...
by A Women in Sobriety | Feb 24, 2015 | Addiction Articles, Recovery
Breaking the Stigma It’s possible to break our anonymity in such a way that we don’t harm the various twelve-step fellowships we belong to. In fact, it’s possible to break our anonymity in such a way that not only are we not harming twelve-step fellowships, but we’re...
by Sally Rosa | Feb 9, 2015 | Addiction Articles, Recovery
Relapse Isn’t Mandatory I recently stumbled across an amazing article on Huffington Post. It was an examination of relapse, recovery, and how normalizing relapse doesn’t benefit anyone – addict or family. The author, Candace Plattor, is a clinical counselor and an...
by Fiona Stockard | Feb 6, 2015 | Addiction Articles, Recovery
Is AA a Cult? Before getting sober, I wanted nothing to do with Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, or any other twelve-step fellowship. I was convinced meetings were some sort of cult ritual and everyone in the rooms was a brainwashed zombie. Of course, this...
by Sally Rosa | Feb 5, 2015 | Addiction Articles, Recovery
A Poem For Those Struggling I found this wonderful poem floating around the internet the other day. I wanted to share it with all you amazing women recovering from a hopeless state of mind and body. Together, we are enough. Together, I am enough. I Am Enough I am...
by A Women in Sobriety | Feb 2, 2015 | Addiction Articles, Recovery
Attitude is Everything Want to know when in my life I was happiest? The answer might surprise you! I was happiest in early-sobriety while living in a halfway house. Now don’t get me wrong, my life since getting sober has been nothing short of amazing. I’ve gotten to...
by Fiona Stockard | Jan 28, 2015 | Addiction Articles, Recovery
What Do I Do If a Loved One Relapses? Relapse is a part of recovery. It’s an unfortunate part, but a part nonetheless. It’s like the sky being blue, grass being green, or Taco Bell being the tastiest fast food. Addicts and alcoholics relapse. It’s that simple. So,...
by Fiona Stockard | Jan 16, 2015 | Addiction Articles, Recovery
How Do You Tell a Child You’re Sober? I don’t have children, so this is a hypothetical question for me. For many women (hell, for many men!) in recovery, it’s a very real question. How do you explain to your kids that mommy or daddy is a recovering alcoholic? I’ve...
by Fiona Stockard | Jan 12, 2015 | Addiction Articles, Recovery
By: Tim Myers Ten Strange Sober Life Hacks Go to meetings, don’t pick up a drink, stay away from bars, and call somebody when you feel like drinking. Yes, those are the obvious things you can do to keep yourself standing up straight, away from a drink, and out of...
by Fiona Stockard | Jan 7, 2015 | Addiction Articles, Recovery
Vitamins Help in Early-Sobriety! Getting sober is tough! If it were easy, everyone would do it! The reality of getting sober is that it’s a scary, overwhelming, and often painful process. Being forced to sober up after years (or decades!) of drinking and drugging...
by Sally Rosa | Dec 31, 2014 | Addiction Articles, Recovery
Sobriety is the Best Gift Okay, that’s kind of corny, right? Wrong! Sobriety really is the best gift! It’s the best gift you can give yourself. It’s the best gift you can give your family and loved ones. It’s the best gift you can give to coworkers. It’s even the best...
by Fiona Stockard | Dec 19, 2014 | Addiction Articles, Recovery
Why What You Eat in Early-Sobriety Matters If we go by the saying “you are what you eat,” then, in active addiction, most of us weren’t anything too hot. Hey, that analogy works on a metaphorical and a literal level! All jokes aside, I ate very badly when I was...
by A Women in Sobriety | Dec 9, 2014 | Addiction Articles, Recovery
Do I Say Addict or Alcoholic? It’s the oldest question around! Do I identify myself as an addict or an alcoholic? I’ve been asking myself this since I was first introduced to the rooms of twelve-step recovery. That was back in the dark ages of the mid 2000’s. My...
by Fiona Stockard | Nov 17, 2014 | Addiction Articles, Recovery
Can We Use Facebook to Get Sober? Recently, The Atlantic published an essay about one woman watching her friends fall into, and recover from, heroin addiction. While their sheer volume often drowns these stories out, this particular one was interesting. What made this...
by Sally Rosa | Nov 11, 2014 | Addiction Articles, Recovery
Sober Clothing: Rad or Fad? I’ve noticed a trend over the last few years of women in recovery rocking some b*dass sober clothing. In fact, from the humble beginnings of wearing a recovery shirt to a meeting, sober clothing has grown into a booming industry. Don’t...
by Sally Rosa | Nov 5, 2014 | Addiction Articles, Recovery
You Got it Wrong, Vice By: David Greenspan Vice recently published a two-part exposé on the sad state of this country’s for-profit substance abuse treatment centers. The videos and article centered around the story of Brandon Jacques, your typical American every-kid,...
by A Women in Sobriety | Oct 29, 2014 | Addiction Articles, Recovery
Written By: Fiona Stockard Articles are the sole work of the individual author and do not express the opinion of Sobriety for Women. Grateful Alcoholics Don’t Drink? If you’re in recovery, you go to meetings. If you go to meetings, you hear corny sayings. If you hear...
by Sally Rosa | Oct 13, 2014 | Recovery
By: Tim Myers How To Tell Your Co-Working is a Recovering Alcoholic Almost four years ago I stopped drinking. I have no idea why I did, I just did. I’d tried for many years to quit, but for some reason on December 6th 2010, I stopped. Now, my problem wasn’t stopping....
by Fiona Stockard | Oct 8, 2014 | Recovery
Written By: Fiona Stockard Addiction is a Family Disease…So What? First, let me say that my brother isn’t a junkie! He’s a great guy with absolutely no substance abuse problems. It was just a catchy title, I swear! It’s 2014. By now, we all believe and accept that...
by Fiona Stockard | Oct 1, 2014 | Recovery
link rel=”canonical” href=”” Written By: Fiona Stockard Recovery on Your Phone My name is Fiona and I’m a smartphone addict! Raise your hand if you are, too. Oh, everyone here’s a smartphone addict? Look, everyone’s...
by Sally Rosa | Sep 30, 2014 | Recovery
There’s Strength in Numbers Check out the newest addition to Lighthouse Recovery Institute’s ever-growing addiction treatment resources – Sobriety For Men. We’re an online community for men in recovery. We aim to discuss a variety of men’s issues and offer a unique,...