My Dog Helps Keep Me Sober

My Dog Helps Keep Me Sober

Almost Like a Sponsor My dog keeps me sober. Or I guess you could say he helps. He doesn’t go to meetings, he doesn’t have a sponsor and he has never worked a step. When he talks I can’t understand a single thing he says. He is very good at listening. I can say things...
My Dog Helps Me Stay Sober!

My Dog Helps Me Stay Sober!

By: Tim Myers Man’s Best Friend My dog keeps me sober. Or I guess you could say he helps. He doesn’t go to meetings, doesn’t have a sponsor, and he has never worked a step. When he talks, I can’t understand a single thing he says. He’s very good at listening. I can...
Things You Should Never Do In Recovery

Things You Should Never Do In Recovery

By: Tim Myers I Can’t Do What?? There are so many things in recovery that “they” say you should never ever do. They say… You shouldn’t be in a relationship until you have a year. You should never have Redbull. Never smoke or hang out at bars. You should never live by...
What is PAWS Anyway?

What is PAWS Anyway?

Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome Ah, good old Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome! Maybe you’ve heard of it. If not by that name, I bet you’ve heard of PAWS. If you’re anything like me, that acronym left you scratching you, wondering why people were talking about animal...
Relapse Isn’t Part of Recovery

Relapse Isn’t Part of Recovery

Relapse Isn’t Mandatory I recently stumbled across an amazing article on Huffington Post. It was an examination of relapse, recovery, and how normalizing relapse doesn’t benefit anyone – addict or family. The author, Candace Plattor, is a clinical counselor and an...
I Am Enough

I Am Enough

A Poem For Those Struggling I found this wonderful poem floating around the internet the other day. I wanted to share it with all you amazing women recovering from a hopeless state of mind and body. Together, we are enough. Together, I am enough. I Am Enough I am...
One Step to a Better Life!

One Step to a Better Life!

Attitude is Everything Want to know when in my life I was happiest? The answer might surprise you! I was happiest in early-sobriety while living in a halfway house. Now don’t get me wrong, my life since getting sober has been nothing short of amazing. I’ve gotten to...
A Sober Holiday Season

A Sober Holiday Season

Sobriety is the Best Gift Okay, that’s kind of corny, right? Wrong! Sobriety really is the best gift! It’s the best gift you can give yourself. It’s the best gift you can give your family and loved ones. It’s the best gift you can give to coworkers. It’s even the best...

Getting Sober…on Facebook?

Can We Use Facebook to Get Sober? Recently, The Atlantic published an essay about one woman watching her friends fall into, and recover from, heroin addiction. While their sheer volume often drowns these stories out, this particular one was interesting. What made this...

You Can Wear WHAT in Sobriety?

Sober Clothing: Rad or Fad? I’ve noticed a trend over the last few years of women in recovery rocking some b*dass sober clothing. In fact, from the humble beginnings of wearing a recovery shirt to a meeting, sober clothing has grown into a booming industry. Don’t...

Can I Get Sober With My Phone? The Best Sobriety Apps

link rel=”canonical” href=”” Written By: Fiona Stockard Recovery on Your Phone My name is Fiona and I’m a smartphone addict! Raise your hand if you are, too. Oh, everyone here’s a smartphone addict? Look, everyone’s...

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