How to Pick a Sponsor

Written By: Katie Schipper What is Sponsorship? In twelve-step recovery programs, sponsorship is vital. A sponsor has a singular purpose – to take another alcoholic or addict through the twelve-steps so that that woman may in turn take others through the steps....

Being an Alcoholic with an Anxiety Disorder

Addicted to Recovery Hi, I’m Krissy and I’m an alcoholic. I grew up in a small town on the outskirts of Boston. From as far back as I can remember, I felt apart from, instead of a part of. Until I found alcohol, anyway! I can’t remember when I learned how to tie my...

Is Alcoholics Anonymous Right For Me?

When I came to, metaphorically and literally, in my first Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, I knew I’d met my match. See, even at twenty years old, sitting in a musty room with people double and triple my age, I felt at home. Not at home like when I sank into my bed and...

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