Is It Time To Get Sober?

“Waiting is the Hardest Part” – Tom Petty I agree, Tom, waiting sucks. So, why do we do it? I’m not talking about waiting for the bus, or waiting for a burrito, or waiting for your next paycheck. I’m talking about waiting for things we don’t need to wait for. The idea...

Being an Alcoholic with an Anxiety Disorder

Addicted to Recovery Hi, I’m Krissy and I’m an alcoholic. I grew up in a small town on the outskirts of Boston. From as far back as I can remember, I felt apart from, instead of a part of. Until I found alcohol, anyway! I can’t remember when I learned how to tie my...

Why I Relapsed

Relapse: A Four Letter Word I want to share my experience with relapsing. I’m kind of an expert! I relapsed a bunch of times before I finally got sober for good. It’s frustrating and confusing to deal with relapse, both for the addict and their loved ones. Pay...

Are Addicts Bad People?

Are Addicts Bad People? I Don’t Think So I found myself part of a pretty interesting conversation tonight. My friends and I were discussing addiction and discrimination. The American War on Drugs isn’t a new one. It’s been going on for decades. There’s been little...

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