Why Should I Make Amends?

Why Should I Make Amends?

The Invaluable Task of Making Amends When I think about the ninth step, I think about god. I can’t help it! During the ninth step is when god came to me. It says in the Big Book that god comes to some slowly and to some all at once. I was blessed to have a...

How Do I Know If I’m an Alcoholic?

Discover the Truth About Yourself How do I know if I’m an elephant? How do I know if I’m a tiger? How do I know if I’m an alcoholic? Well, if you have a trunk and you’re the largest land mammal around, you’re an elephant! If you’re a wild cat with orange and black...

How Does Al-Anon Work?

A Voice From Al-Anon Meetings of Al-Anon and ACA are helping me to recover myself. See, I’d wandered into a swamp of confusion and crisis. This swamp was twenty year marriage, during which I drank right alongside my handsome, fun-loving husband. My husband and I...

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