by Sally Rosa | Sep 22, 2014 | Recovery
Why Anonymity Sucks: An Anonymous Perspective No One Can Pronounce Anonymity It’s f**king impossible to say. No one ever says anonymity right in meetings! Ammanitiittty? Anomaniny? We’ve all tried and failed. Yeah, admit it, you have, too. Even now, as I’m writing,...
by Fiona Stockard | Sep 2, 2013 | Benefits of Sobriety
“Waiting is the Hardest Part” – Tom Petty I agree, Tom, waiting sucks. So, why do we do it? I’m not talking about waiting for the bus, or waiting for a burrito, or waiting for your next paycheck. I’m talking about waiting for things we don’t...
by Fiona Stockard | Mar 21, 2013 | Addiction Treatment, Drug Addiction
CASE NUMBER: 07-1414 TO: My Mother and Father Everyone makes mistakes in their life. There are two ways to handle those mistakes, you can turn the experience into a positive, or make it define your lifestyle. I chose to go with option A. In my case, I have screwed up...
by A Women in Sobriety | Dec 21, 2012 | Addiction Treatment, Drug Addiction
Written By: Fiona Stockard Who is a Chronic Relapser? Once upon a time, I dubbed myself a chronic relapser. Maybe you’ve heard the term? It’s someone who’s trying to get sober, but can’t stop using. It’s someone who falls into a vicious cycle...