by A Women in Sobriety | Dec 9, 2014 | Addiction Articles, Recovery
Do I Say Addict or Alcoholic? It’s the oldest question around! Do I identify myself as an addict or an alcoholic? I’ve been asking myself this since I was first introduced to the rooms of twelve-step recovery. That was back in the dark ages of the mid 2000’s. My...
by Sally Rosa | Sep 22, 2014 | Recovery
Why Anonymity Sucks: An Anonymous Perspective No One Can Pronounce Anonymity It’s f**king impossible to say. No one ever says anonymity right in meetings! Ammanitiittty? Anomaniny? We’ve all tried and failed. Yeah, admit it, you have, too. Even now, as I’m writing,...
by Sally Rosa | Sep 3, 2014 | 12 Steps, Addiction Articles
Recovery Can Be Overwhelming Getting sober is scary! We’re thrown into a new location, told to change people, places and things (this means change everything!), and begin to reach out to other sober people. We begin to experience feelings again. Basically, we...
by Fiona Stockard | Jul 21, 2014 | 12 Steps, Addiction Articles
Written By: Katie Schipper The Steps to Recovery Aren’t the Same for Everyone Opinions on Taking Twelve-Steps to Recovery Outside opinions on the inner-workings of twelve-step fellowships range from mild curiosity, to total disinterest, to insistence that they’re...
by Sally Rosa | May 15, 2014 | Addiction Articles, Recovery
The Importance of a Home Group Written By: Katie Schipper What Is a Home Group? Many in Florida Recovery Programs encourage individuals to seek a home group. A home group is the twelve-step meeting someone chooses to be a member of. Most groups have open membership...