helpful tips to stay sober
The holidays are stressful for a lot of people, especially those in recovery!
Here are some great tips to make it through the holidays stress free and sober!

1) Don’t Test Your Willpower

Get rid of all the alcohol in your house, including bottles “for guests.”

Don’t put yourself in uncomfortable situations. If you’re not ready for them, then you’re not ready for them. Don’t sweat it.

2) Live In The Now

You can’t change yesterday or control tomorrow. You CAN do your best right now. After all, today’s a gift, which is why we call it the present!

3) Help Others

When you help others, you feel better about yourself. Keep it simple!

4) Stay Away From the First Drink

If you don’t start drinking, you won’t have to worry about stopping.

5) Be Grateful

Be thankful for your sobriety and your accomplishments. The holidays are a time to celebrate loved ones and enjoy your time together.

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