How Do I Know If I’m an Alcoholic?

Discover the Truth About Yourself How do I know if I’m an elephant? How do I know if I’m a tiger? How do I know if I’m an alcoholic? Well, if you have a trunk and you’re the largest land mammal around, you’re an elephant! If you’re a wild cat with orange and black...

Why is Xanax Addictive?

An Explanation For the Addictiveness of Xanax Anti-anxiety medication has become a huge business in modern society! Among anti-anxiety medication, benzodiazepines are the most popular. Among benzodiazepines, Xanax is the most popular. So, that makes Xanax the most...

Are Addicts Bad People?

Are Addicts Bad People? I Don’t Think So I found myself part of a pretty interesting conversation tonight. My friends and I were discussing addiction and discrimination. The American War on Drugs isn’t a new one. It’s been going on for decades. There’s been little...

How Do I Quit Drinking On My Own?

One Woman’s Story of Quitting Alcohol I’ve wanted to quit alcohol for awhile now. It’s been years since I could control and enjoy my drinking. I’ve tried to regulate and cut down with little success. Whenever I do, it isn’t fun. I don’t have a good time and I ALWAYS...

Wanting to Get Sober

CASE NUMBER:  07-1414 TO: My Mother and Father Everyone makes mistakes in their life. There are two ways to handle those mistakes, you can turn the experience into a positive, or make it define your lifestyle. I chose to go with option A. In my case, I have screwed up...

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