This Is Where The Trouble Began
Welcome to Highschool Freshman year starts and all my friends split up. Everyone went to a different high school than me and I was not excited about it. Freshman year was pretty normal. I received good grades in school, I kept my partying to the weekends and I made...

The Preface of An Addiction – I Had a Dream
I Had a Dream When I was younger I did not dream of being a drug addict. Alcoholism was not on my long-term bucket list but nevertheless it happened. I often ponder looking back if I could identify the moment that I knew I was different. The moment that I knew I was...

10 Tips on How to Succeed in College as a Recovering Alcoholic
It took me 9 years to graduate college. I attended 9 rehabs and 3 colleges. I have a bachelors degree in music business, I write TV commercials for a living, have been sober 3.5 years and I completed all 12 steps. My college graduation party was attended by myself,...