Caroline Biden’s Side of the Story in Her 100k Fraud Case
Someone is Missing 100k and Caroline Biden Supposedly Took It Rumor has it Caroline Biden pled guilty to grand larceny for stealing over $100,000.00 from an unnamed victim in credit card fraud. There are many questions about this case that remain unclear to the...
3 Best ways to help an addict
Truly Helping a Drug Addict or Alcoholic Helping, truly helping, a drug addict or an alcoholic is one of the hardest things in life to do. Any parent, spouse or friend of someone in active addiction can confirm that watching a person you deeply care about gamble with...
Should I Date A Recovering Alcoholic or A Normal Guy?
Date a Drug Addict? Ok so, here’s the deal, I’m not gonna sugar coat this, or blow smoke up your tits for 20 minutes I’m just gonna get right to the answer. Date a recovering alcoholic, or drug addict. “But Fiona, what if they relapse?” Shut up. The core of this whole...