Introducing Sobriety For Men: A Resource for Men in Recovery
There's Strength in Numbers Check out the newest addition to Lighthouse Recovery Institute's ever-growing addiction treatment resources - Sobriety For Men. We're an online community for men in recovery. We aim to discuss a variety of men's issues and offer a unique,...
Firsthand Addiction: What Jail is Really Like
Written By: Fiona Stockard Firsthand Addiction: What's Jail Really Like? Jail sucks. Everyone knows that. I mean, if I asked a roomful of people if they wanted to go to jail, would anyone raise their hand? Hell no! Unfortunately, jail's a part of life for addicts. If...
Faith Facts Friday with Fiona
Written By: Fiona Stockard The Basic Text Broken Down - Part Five Narcotics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who help each other recover from drug and alcohol addiction. It was founded in July of 1953, just celebrated its sixty-first anniversary, and boasts...