by A Women in Sobriety | Jun 28, 2017 | Addiction Articles, Addiction Treatment, Blog
South Florida Drug Rehab saved my life. This is not fake news. I was 20 years old and in the grip of a deadly opiate and alcohol addiction. I had tried to get sober in my hometown while still in college, attending an intensive outpatient program to try to stay sober...
by A Women in Sobriety | Jun 13, 2017 | Addiction Articles, Addiction Treatment, Sobriety For Women
Someone is Missing 100k and Caroline Biden Supposedly Took It Rumor has it Caroline Biden pled guilty to grand larceny for stealing over $100,000.00 from an unnamed victim in credit card fraud. There are many questions about this case that remain unclear to the...
by A Women in Sobriety | Jun 12, 2017 | Addiction Articles, Addiction Treatment, Blog
Truly Helping a Drug Addict or Alcoholic Helping, truly helping, a drug addict or an alcoholic is one of the hardest things in life to do. Any parent, spouse or friend of someone in active addiction can confirm that watching a person you deeply care about gamble with...
by Sally Rosa | Feb 2, 2017 | Addiction Articles, Addiction Treatment, Blog
Alcohol Issues Plagued The life Of A Talented Dancer At age 13 Meaghan got a job at the local diner because she wanted money to go to the movies. Her brothers and sisters all older than her just asked their parents for money, but not Meaghan. She would pedal her bike...
by Sally Rosa | Jan 27, 2017 | 12 Steps, Addiction Articles, Addiction Treatment
Help Me Find Recovery from Addiction to The Bachelor Hi, my name is Sally and I’m addicted to The Bachelor on ABC. I’m writing to you all today hoping to find recovery from addiction to this deadly and morally corrupt reality show. I first started watching The...
by A Women in Sobriety | Jan 26, 2017 | 12 Steps, Addiction Treatment, Blog, Drug Addiction
My Drug Rehab Was My Moment Shine I thought doing cocaine at lunch was normal when I was 16. It actually seemed like the only normal thing about me at the time. Men attracted me I thought, but at the same time, was attracted to women. My family situation was,...
by A Women in Sobriety | Jan 19, 2017 | 12 Steps, Addiction Treatment, Blog, Drug Addiction
After New Year’s Eve, I needed To Go to Addiction Rehab It started out like any other night out. My girlfriends and I got together at my apartment to get ready to go out for New Year’s Eve. We made some mixed drinks to sip on while we did our hair and turned on...
by Sally Rosa | Dec 8, 2016 | Addiction Articles, Addiction Treatment
A Florida Drug Rehab Story I think I prostituted my self for the first time at age 15. I remember being in my Florida drug rehab and my mom asking me if I was scared the first time sold my body. I told her I wasn’t, because… I wasn’t. I entered the Motel 6, just off...
by Fiona Stockard | Apr 2, 2015 | Addiction Articles, Addiction Treatment
Heroin Addict or Heroin Dealer? I just read the story of Matthew, a twenty-four year old heroin addict from Texas. Matthew, like many of today’s addicts, was brought up in a solid middle-class household. He’s from a suburb of Dallas and went to a good high school....
by A Women in Sobriety | Jun 9, 2013 | Addiction Treatment, Sobriety For Women
What is Anxiety? Anxiety is a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about something with an uncertain outcome. Who here has ever experienced some form of anxiety? I bet most everyone reading this has. I certainly have. Anxiety is both a mental and a...
by Fiona Stockard | Jun 1, 2013 | Addiction Treatment, Benefits of Sobriety
How to be Grateful in Recovery “You know, when I blew out my birthday candles this year I didn’t wish for anything…I simply said Thank You.” BAM. Gratitude at its finest. Who says that? Who says I’m happy enough that there’s nothing else I need to wish for, not even...
by Fiona Stockard | May 22, 2013 | Addiction Treatment, Sobriety For Women
Relapse: A Four Letter Word I want to share my experience with relapsing. I’m kind of an expert! I relapsed a bunch of times before I finally got sober for good. It’s frustrating and confusing to deal with relapse, both for the addict and their loved ones. Pay...
by Fiona Stockard | May 14, 2013 | Addiction Treatment, Recovery
Pain in Sobriety It’s like a rite of passage everyone knows about and no one is looking forward to. It’s not a secret by any means. It’s talked about openly and honestly in meetings all over the world. It’s the big show everyone knows they have tickets for and will...
by Fiona Stockard | May 10, 2013 | Addiction Treatment, Benefits of Sobriety
Fun in Sobriety? The first time I tried to get sober I was 19. This was December, 2006. I’d dropped out of college after the first semester of my sophomore year. I thought I was like every other nineteen year old girl. Turns out, most nineteen year olds can go to...
by Sally Rosa | May 3, 2013 | Addiction Treatment, Sobriety For Women
Love In Sobriety I’ve done a lot of things wrong in my sobriety, a lot. The one thing I can absolutely say that I’ve done right is how I approached finding love in sobriety. As I write this, I’m two weeks from marrying the love of my life, the man I’m positive my...
by A Women in Sobriety | May 2, 2013 | Addiction Treatment, Sobriety For Women
My name is Katie Maslin and I’m an alcoholic and addict I was born in Orlando, Fl in 1973. My parents were in a rock band. My parents divorced, and the band broke up, when I was three. My first experience with drugs was witnessing my Uncle Joe kill himself. He was...
by Sally Rosa | Apr 26, 2013 | Addiction Treatment, Drug Addiction
Are Addicts Bad People? I Don’t Think So I found myself part of a pretty interesting conversation tonight. My friends and I were discussing addiction and discrimination. The American War on Drugs isn’t a new one. It’s been going on for decades. There’s been little...
by Sally Rosa | Apr 24, 2013 | Addiction Treatment, Drug Addiction
One Woman’s Story of Quitting Alcohol I’ve wanted to quit alcohol for awhile now. It’s been years since I could control and enjoy my drinking. I’ve tried to regulate and cut down with little success. Whenever I do, it isn’t fun. I don’t have a good time and I ALWAYS...
by A Women in Sobriety | Mar 31, 2013 | Addiction Treatment, Sobriety For Women
Don’t be Average, Be Phenomenal My best friend, Tim S., owner and creator of, introduced me to this series of motivational videos. These videos are more than just the typical “you can do anything if you set your mind to it” speeches (I know you’re...
by Fiona Stockard | Mar 21, 2013 | Addiction Treatment, Drug Addiction
CASE NUMBER: 07-1414 TO: My Mother and Father Everyone makes mistakes in their life. There are two ways to handle those mistakes, you can turn the experience into a positive, or make it define your lifestyle. I chose to go with option A. In my case, I have screwed up...
by Sally Rosa | Feb 28, 2013 | Addiction Treatment, Sobriety For Women
How One Woman Got Sober “I took my first drink at thirteen. I knew I was an alcoholic from the very start. I took two shots, threw my phone at someone, and fell off my bike. That was foreshadowing the way my drinking career went.” My story is my perspective. No matter...
by Fiona Stockard | Feb 19, 2013 | Addiction Treatment, Drug Addiction
I Will Wait… I will wait. I will wait for you. These are the words taunting me. Why? Waiting. Hoping. Praying. Healing. Addicts like me don’t easily possess these qualities. As far back as I can remember, I’ve waited for something. I’ve waited for someone, something,...
by Fiona Stockard | Feb 6, 2013 | Addiction Treatment, Recovery
Addiction is a gruesome little fellow, huh? He comes in, takes over our lives, and ruins our dreams. He makes us believe he isn’t a disease. He makes us believe he’s just a phase, just a problem. In treatment, my therapist said addiction and alcoholism were diseases....
by Fiona Stockard | Jan 28, 2013 | Addiction Treatment, Benefits of Sobriety
Take a walk across the country and you’ll find your share of the beaten, the weathered, the splintered souls left tattered, staggered and tattooed by addiction. See, addiction’s become the new apple pie, the new baseball, the new Coca-Cola. These ravaged, misguided...
by Sally Rosa | Jan 25, 2013 | Addiction Treatment, Recovery
Treatment is just the beginning. I used to hate when people told me that! It didn’t matter if they were therapists, family, or friends. I didn’t want to hear it! Turns out they were telling me the truth though. Moving into a sober-living house (a halfway or...
by Sally Rosa | Jan 6, 2013 | Addiction Treatment, Benefits of Sobriety
I Just Want to Be Normal! “I just want to be sober and normal, that’s all I want” said Vanessa. She sat across from me while spending the night in a hospital for the ninth time in eighteen months. Throughout our whole conversation, she kept saying “I want to be...
by Fiona Stockard | Dec 21, 2012 | Addiction Treatment, Recovery
Written By: Fiona Stockard How to Stay Sober During the Holidays Holidays and I Don’t Mix! The holidays were always a strange time for me. This was the time of year to be happy, to be content, to spend quality time with the people I love. However, even before active...
by A Women in Sobriety | Dec 21, 2012 | Addiction Treatment, Benefits of Sobriety
Written By: Fiona Stockard Looks are Deceiving Some people are born lucky. They come from decent homes. They have decent looks. They have decent personalities. Hell, maybe they even have a trust fund or two. These are the lucky ones, right? Everything on the outside...
by Fiona Stockard | Dec 21, 2012 | Addiction Treatment, Recovery
Growing Up Religious I never had any intention of growing up and becoming a drug addict. It just sort of happened. I saw things I’d been sheltered from my entire life. I did things I swore I’d never do. I was born into a way of life where God, and the Bible, were more...
by Sally Rosa | Dec 21, 2012 | 12 Steps, Addiction Treatment
Being the Mother of an Addict Isn’t Easy I’ve been on the journey of recovery with my daughter for six years. Today she celebrates twenty months sober! That’s almost two years. Remember, I said we’ve been on this journey for six. My daughter, who’s twenty-five, has...